SDCBC Breastfeeding Blog
with Guest Blogger To-wen Tseng
Paid leave is potentially under threat today! There is pressure to eliminate paid family and medical leave from the Build Back Better Act. We believe that anyone demanding that we choose between paid leave and other priorities is presenting us with false choices. The United States is the only industrialized country in the world that…
Read MoreMaternal mortality is a key indicator of population health. Deaths in pregnancy and postpartum should be rare events, so routine and accurate surveillance of pregnancy-related deaths is an essential public health responsibility. CA-PMSS is a statewide surveillance of deaths among Californians who were pregnant within the prior year. The Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health (MCAH)…
Read MoreWe love this quick and easy guide shared by our friends at Breastfeed LA and So Cal ACLU. The guide is part of a comprehensive advocacy toolkit, scheduled to be released by October, said Arissa Palmer, executive director of BreastfeedLA. In the meantime, this guide is a great resource for Californians who want to better…
Read MoreI once knew a woman who breastfeed on a refugee boat for 48 hours and saved her two young children’s lives—yes, saved their lives, not kept them alive. It was during the 1949’s Chinese Civil War, and that was a small boat packed with displaced people. Her fellow refugees were afraid that the kids’ crying…
Read MoreA recent article in “Motherly” touted a new, unannounced change in breastmilk storage guidelines for the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). (You can find the AAP information under Frequently Asked Questions under, What are the milk storage guidelines? Evidence suggests mothers can mix warm milk and cold.) Those links direct you to a research study…
Read MoreBBFW 2021 Chardá Bell, CLEC, CBE, CPE, FSD Perinatal Health & Wellness Consultant Owner, Melanin Milk SD Doula & Lactation Support As a Black mother, doula and lactation birthworker, I look forward to encouraging others to acknowledge groups and/or individuals for the outstanding work to support, promote and protect Black breastfeeding. In 2012, birth…
Read MoreBased on new evidence about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is strengthening its recommendation for COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy. (See updated Interim Clinical Considerations for Use of COVID-19 Vaccines and COVID-19 Vaccines While Pregnant or Breastfeeding.) The increased circulation of the highly contagious Delta variant, low vaccine uptake among pregnant people, and…
Read More“If I could talk to myself eight years agoSeeing what I’ve seen, knowing what I knowI would tell that new motherThere’ll be days aheadWhen breastfeeding doesn’t seem to workI would tell her she can trust herselfCause now I gotta picture of landscape of infant feedingI can see with perfect clarityIt wasn’t impossibleIt was what we…
Read MoreFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 17, 2021 SAN DIEGO—National Breastfeeding Awareness Month (NBM) is observed annually to raise awareness to address barriers to human milk feeding faced by families across the United States and around the world. The theme for this years’ breastfeeding month is “Every Step of the Way” and each week therein is celebrated…
Read MoreParticipe en un entrenamiento GRATUITO diseñado para proveedores decuidado infantil y aprenda cómo puede apoyar a familias que amamantanMuchas mamás regresan a trabajar ó a la escuela durante los primeros tres meses de vida de su bebé. El apoyodurante esta transición es extremadamente importante y puede determinar el que los bebés reciban leche maternaó no.…
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To-wen Tseng
To-wen is a Chinese American journalist, author, and breastfeeding activist. For years To-wen has advocated for family-friendly policy and gender equity at the workplace, blogging about breastfeeding as a human right, and speaking out about breastfeeding barriers in Asian-American communities and beyond. She co-founded the Asian American Breastfeeding Taskforce in 2017.
To-wen received the 2018 HealthConnect One Foundation's Birth Equity Leader Academy Community Project Award, and in 2019, she was recognized by US Breastfeeding Committee as the Emerging Leader of the year. This year, an Asian breastfeeding photovoice project she led won 2020 California Breastfeeding Coalition's Golden Nugget Award for "excellence in reducing a key barrier to breastfeeding the social norm."