Purchase our Latest Recorded Webinar
The Cherry Blossom Program provides essential education, supplies, and emotional support to grieving families. It guides mothers through the weaning process or offers the option to pump and donate their milk, should they choose. The program honors these families by memorializing their babies on a beautiful cherry blossom mural. For many mothers, milk donation becomes a meaningful part of their healing journey, offering a way to honor their child and potentially save the lives of other infants.
We hope you'll join us for this important discussion.
Learning Objectives
- Identify the stages of lactogenesis during pregnancy.
- Explain lactation after pregnancy loss and the options available to mothers.
- Understand the process of milk donation and the role of milk banks.
- Learn how to sensitively communicate with families following perinatal loss.
- Illustrate how milk donation can be part of a family's grief journey.
- Understand the importance of offering bereaving mothers support for both suppression and expression of breastmilk, as well information about possible donation
- Recognize possible gaps in the care for mothers who experience a perinatal loss and how we can improve
- Understand the goals of the Cherry Blossom Family program at UC Health Milk Bank.
Don't miss out on this insightful content—purchase the recorded webinar today and join the ongoing effort to improve breastfeeding support and nutrition access in underserved communities.
The live webinar has now passed, but you can still purchase access to the recorded session!
We are excited to offer you the opportunity to engage with our recorded webinar, which focused on fostering crucial support for breastfeeding within the Black community. Our discussion centered on addressing disparities and implementing strategies to ensure equitable access to breastfeeding resources and support.
During this session, we explored the concept of the 'first food desert,' a term that highlights areas where access to essential first foods, such as breast milk, is limited or nonexistent. This issue ties directly to food security and access to vital nutrition during infancy, particularly affecting marginalized communities.
Key Learning Objectives:
- Describe strategies to foster support in the Black community for breastfeeding.
- Address and reduce breastfeeding disparities with a focus on disproportionately affected racial/ethnic groups.
- Define the term 'first food desert.'
- Identify 3 reasons for low breastfeeding rates in areas with high Black populations in San Diego.
- Recognize 3 ongoing efforts to improve food security and access to first foods.
Don't miss out on this insightful content—purchase the recorded webinar today and join the ongoing effort to improve breastfeeding support and nutrition access in underserved communities.
SDCBC Recorded Webinars Library
Get ready to tune in to some of the leading lactation experts sharing their knowledge and expertise on emerging topics and research.
At your convenience, Anywhere, Anytime

Title: Virtual Support For Lactating Families
Speaker:Robin Kaplan M.Ed, IBCLC.
Recorded On: January 30, 2024
Webinar Description:
Participants will be able to list 3 benefits of providing virtual appointments for lactating parents
Participants will be able to create a list of 5-10 open ended questions to ask clients during virtual consultations
Participants will be able to list 3 uses for recordings/videos prior/during/after digital consultations
Participants will be able to identify 3 strategies for troubleshooting and solving challenging situations during virtual consultations
Continuing Education:
- IBCLCs: 1 L-CERPs and 1 R-CERP
- RNs: 1.5 Contact Hours
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

Title: Educating Health Professionals On How To Serve People with Disabilities
Speaker:Dr. Kyle Ryan MD, Physical Med. & Rehabilitation, Julie Matheney MS, CCC-SLP, CLEC, IBCLC, Alesha Thomas
Recorded On: September 5, 2023
Webinar Description:
1) Establish a framework for disability.
2) Review disability-related legislation in the United States.
3) Define communication and complex communication needs.
4) Explore the interplay between disability and health communication.
5) Describe the patient-centered care framework.
6) Review communication strategies to improve patient care for persons with disabilities.
7) Discuss opportunities for education to improve communication in health disciplines.
1) To understand the different types of differences and disabilities that impact breast/chestfeeding
2) To describe the challenges that lactating people with various differences and disabilities face during their breast/chestfeeding process
3)To learn about adaptations to the environment to assist the lactating person
4) To discuss support systems for lactation success
Continuing Education:
- IBCLCs: 1.5 L-CERPs and 1 R-CERP
- RNs: 3 Contact Hours
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

Title: How The Nooni Project Helps Reclaim Breastfeeding in Indigenous Communities
Speaker: Angie Sanchez MBA, PhD Candidate
Recorded On: August 11, 2023
Webinar Description:
The Nooni Project is a project designed by PhD student Angie Sanchez and funded by a grant from the Michigan Health Endowment Fund. Nooni is the Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) word for "She/he suckles at the breast." Reclaiming breastfeeding as ceremony, as tradition in Indigenous communities is a method of healing ourselves and our children from hundreds of years of colonization and attempted genocide.
- Learn about Historical trauma: how it's passed down, how it manifests itself;
- What is the Nooni Project;
- How geographies (time and place) intersect to affect breastfeeding rates within communities;
- How to serve Indigenous communities in breastfeeding and beyond.
Continuing Education:
- IBCLCs: 1.5 L-CERPs:
- RNs: 2 Contact Hours
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.
Download The Flyer

Title: Beyond the Hospital: Breastfeeding Care for Offices, Clinics and Public Health Nurses
Speaker: Dr. Eyla Boies, MD, FAAP, FABM
Recorded On: December 18, 2021
Webinar Description:
During this webinar, Dr. Boies will illustrate how to provide breastfeeding support to the mother-baby-dyad after hospital discharge.
Dr. Boies will begin the webinar by identifying different breastfeeding support strategies and explaining best practices for implementation within the newborns' discharge medical care plan. Next, she will discuss the different signs that professionals need to recognize in dyads who are having difficulties with breastfeeding, such as sore nipples and engorgement, which can put them at risk of breastfeeding failure.
Building on this information, she will describe a number of tactics that should be employed to help the dyad thrive in their breastfeeding journey. In closing, she will demonstrate how to develop plans to manage common infant problems related to breastfeeding in the first two weeks after discharge for example insufficient weight gain, jaundice, and late preterm infant.
This webinar is of great benefit for professionals working with breastfeeding dyads after hospital discharge!
Continuing Education:
- IBCLCs: 1 L-CERP: Clinical Skills
- Education and Communication
- RNs: 1 Contact Hour
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

Title:Cannabis, Birth Trauma, Oxytocin and Stress: Impacts on Pregnancy and Lactation
Speaker:Kathleen Kendall Tackett PhD, IBCLC, FAPA
Recorded On: April 29, 2023
Three Webinar Presentation:
1. Cannabis Use During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:
1 L-CERP: Pharmacology and Toxicology - Cannabis
2. Does Breastfeeding Protect Maternal Mental Health? The Impact of Oxytocin and Stress:
1 L-CERP: Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology - Maternal Mental Health
3. Birth Trauma: Causes and Consequences of Birth-Related PTSD:
1.5 L-CERPs: Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology - Maternal Psychological/Cognitive Issues / Birth Practices
Continuing Education:
- IBCLCs: 3.5 L-CERPs:
- Techniques-First Hour, Milk Expression
- RNs: 4 Contact Hours
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

Title: A Fresh Look, A Mother-Centric Approach To Reduce Early Breastfeeding Cessation: The Science & Practice
Speaker: Dr. Jane Morton, MD, FABM, FAAP
Recorded On: April 16, 2022
Webinar Description:
- Identify 3 key reasons mothers give for prematurely stopping breastfeeding in the first month.
- Give 2 evidence-based facts about the time-sensitive nature of the first hour in regards to A, B, and C (A-attachment, B-breastmilk production and C-caloric intake) and identify which factor, A, B, or C is the strongest determinant of exclusivity and duration of breastfeeding.
- Suggest 2 reasons late preterm infants breastfeeding rates are not impacted by Baby-friendly practices (1st hr. skin-to-skin, rooming-in, no pacifiers), with a 1 month cessation rate of over 36% in primiparous mothers.
- Give 1 potential benefit for teaching mothers hand expression shortly before rather than after delivery.
Continuing Education:
- IBCLCs: 1.5 L-CERPs:
- Techniques-First Hour, Milk Expression
- RNs: 1 Contact Hours
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

Title: Relactation - What, Why and How?
Speaker: Karolina Ochoa, BSN, IBCLC
Recorded on: August 8, 2020
Webinar Description:
- Explain why relactating may be an option for families
- Describe the physiology of relactation
- Support clinical management of relactation
- Apply best practices to optimize pumping for the best outcomes
- Identify common drugs and herbs that aid to increase milk supply
- Identify tools to facilitate direct breastfeeding
- Support emotional effort during relactation
Continuing Education:
- RNs: 1 Contact Hour
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

Title: The Motherhood Transition: Addressing the Shift & Its Impact on Family Wellness
Speaker: Nakeya T. Fields, LCSW , PPSE, Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor, Trauma Informed Yoga Therapist
Recorded on: October 23, 2021
Webinar Description:
The San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition invites you to view our recorded webinar exploring diverse perspectives of how transitioning into motherhood may impact families.
We are so grateful to have best selling author, mental health expert, and community advocate Nakeya T. Fields, LCSW, PPSE, Registered Play Therapist - Supervisor, Trauma Informed Yoga Therapist for sharing her insights and expertise on perinatal mental health disorders including how to identify symptoms and create strategies to plan for health, resilience, and coping.
During this webinar, Nakeya speaks on the importance of inspiring empathetic collaboration and village building in peers and colleagues to address systemic challenges that impact breastfeeding rates and inequitable birth outcomes.
This is a great webinar for health professionals who serve birthing women and seek to learn strategies to ease the transition into motherhood.
- Explore diverse perspectives of how transitioning into motherhood may impact families
- Learn to identify symptoms of perinatal mental health disorders and be exposed to strategies to plan for health, resilience and coping
- Learn how to inspire empathetic collaboration and village building in peers and colleagues to address systemic challenges that impact breastfeeding rates and inequitable birth outcomes.
- Category: Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology
- RNs: 1 Contact Hour
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

Title: "Las Dos Cosas" vs. Exclusive Breastfeeding: Implementing A Culturally and Linguistic Intervention In Latinx Mothers
Dr. Ana Maria Linares, DNS, RN, IBCLC
This is a great webinar for health professionals who serve Latinx communities and want to learn strategies to improve their communication and program effectiveness.
Continuing Education:
- Category: Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology
- RNs: 1 Contact Hour
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

Title: The Downside of Not Breastfeeding
Speaker: Nancy E. Wight MD, IBCLC, FABM, FAAP
Recorded on: January 30, 2021
Webinar Objectives:
- Define optimal infant and you child feeding
- List risks of not breastfeeding for the child, mothers, family, and society
- Describe trends in rates of breastfeeding
- Define the term "Guilt" as it pertains to a mother's choice of infant feeding
- Categorize the factors influencing maternal feeding decisions
Continuing Education:
- RNs: 1 Contact Hour
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

Title: Breastfeeding & Post-Perinatal Infant Deaths In The United States Recorded Webinar
Speaker: Julie Ware MD, MPH, IBCLC, FAAP, FABM
Recorded On: February 19, 2022
Webinar Description:
Reducing infant mortality is a major public health goal. This webinar will discuss some of the newly published findings from Breastfeeding and Post-perinatal Infant Deaths in the United States, A National Prospective Cohort Analysis, a study of a large dataset of birth-death linked US infants.
According to the findings breastfeeding initiation is significantly associated with reduced odds of post-perinatal infant deaths in multiple racial and ethnic groups within the US population. This new study confirms Chen & Rogan’s study regarding infant deaths due to NOT breastfeeding; as well as a study from Shelby County, Tennessee.
These findings support efforts to improve breastfeeding in infant mortality reduction initiatives.
Continuing Education:
- IBCLCs: 1.5 L-CERPs: Clinical Skills
- Research
- Public Health & Advocacy
- RNs: 2 Contact Hours
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

Title: Sore Nipples & Sore Breasts: What Is The Problem?
Speaker: Dr Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC, IBCLC
Recorded On: May 19, 2022
Webinar Description:
- Discuss why so many mothers latch the baby on in a way that is less than ideal (birthing practices, inadequate help immediately after birth).
- Assess for engorgement, recommend preventive measures, and explain what to do when it occurs.
- Rethink common approaches to helping with Sore Nipples.
Summarize factors other than or in addition to a poor latch which may aggravate or cause sore nipples (Dermatological conditions, Vasospasm, Bacterial overgrowth, Viral Infections, etc.)
Paraphrase how late onset decreased milk supply causes late onset sore nipples. - Assess for tongue/lip tie and discuss if it always causes problems immediately after birth.
Correlate the effects of tongue/lip tie on: sore nipples, latch, late-onset decreased milk supply and flow, recurrent blocked ducts, mastitis, and abscesses. - Describe when and how to release a tongue/lip tie and appropriate aftercare.
- Discuss prevention and treatment for sore breasts caused by blocked ducts, mastitis and abscess.
Continuing Education:
- IBCLCs: 4 L-CERPs:
- 2 Pathology
2 Development & Nutrition
- 2 Pathology
- RNs: 4 Contact Hours
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.
Download The Flyer

Title: Protect the Environment: Promote Breastfeeding!
Speaker: Carol Bartle, RN, RM, IBCLC, OGDip (Child Advocacy)
Recorded on: August 8, 2021
Webinar Description:
World Breastfeeding Week 2020 focused on climate change, the impact of infant feeding on the environment, and the urgent need to protect, promote and support breastfeeding for the health of the planet and its people. ‘Support breastfeeding for a healthier planet’ is the campaign 2020 slogan.
Climate change contributes to rising rates of disaster, threatens population health, and contributes to poverty, income inequality, and pollution. The negative impact of industrial dairying and milk powder is not always included in analyses of climate change risk. The dairy industry is not only unsustainable, but the externalities resulting from the industrial dairy model result in more cost than profit. How the world’s babies are fed is of great significance to our collective future.
This session explores some of the issues underpinning the climate crisis, the negative contribution of industrial dairy farming, and the importance of breastfeeding / green-feeding.
Webinar Will Discuss:
- Climate change
- Big formula and marketing
- Intensive dairy farming
- Water shortages and pollution - environment degradation
- The significance of infant feeding decision and barriers to breastfeeding-inequities
- Infant and young child feeding in emergencies
- The sustainability of breastfeeding -a zero carbon footprint / the shortest food mile / green feeding
- Thoughts and tentative solutions
Continuing Education:
- RNs: 1 Contact Hour
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

Title: Metabolic Health Matters: Breastfeeding On The Insulin Resistance Spectrum
Speaker: Lisa Marasco, MA, IBCLC, FILCA
Recorded on: November 14, 2022
Webinar Objectives:
Insulin is part of the Lactogenic Complex and Lactogenesis 2 cannot start without it. Until recently, however, we did not understand its role well. Emerging research is starting to shed light on specific roles for insulin in both pregnancy breast development as well as milk synthesis.
Discover the how and why insulin resistance, type 2 and gestational diabetes can cause lactation problems, and what strategies may be helpful for affected parents.
Continuing Education:
- IBCLCs: 1.5 L-CERPs:
- Area:Physiology & Endocrinology, Diabetes
- RNs: 2 Contact Hours
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

Title: Black Joy & Breastfeeding: How Black Joy Can Help Overcome Barriers To Breastfeeding Among African-Americans
Speaker: Mary Lankford RN, PHN, CLE,
Recorded on: August 28, 2021
Webinar Description:
- List and discuss two reasons for low breastfeeding rates among African-Americans in the US
- Outline at least one definition or example of “Black Joy”
- Describe one method, activity or service that can help improve breastfeeding rates in African-Americans
Continuing Education:
- IBCLCs: 1 L-CERP: Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology / Clinical Skills-Public Health and Advocacy
- RNs: 1 Contact Hour
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

Title: BREASTSLEEPING Humankind’s Oldest and Most Successful Sleep and Feeding Arrangement
Speaker: James J. McKenna, Ph.D.
Recorded on: May 22, 2021
Webinar Objectives:
1. Discuss the historical and cultural circumstances that led to the erroneous assumption that solitary infant sleep and bottle feeding came to be thought as "normal".
2. Explain what breastsleeping is, and how and why millions of mothers breastsleep.
3. Understand how and why infant sleep recommendations do not uphold, nor do they reflect evidence-based medicine principles, as claimed by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
4. Define clinical manifestations of colic and SIDS and why they appear to be species-specific.
Continuing Education:
- IBCLCs: 1.5 L-CERPs
- Category: Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology
- Topic: Safe Sleep
- Category: Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology
- RNs: 2 Contact Hours
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

Title: Eatin’ at Mom’s: How the Parental Diet Influences Breastmilk
Speaker: Dr. Anne Eglash MD, IBCLC, FABM
Recorded on: September 4, 2021
Webinar Objectives:
- Describe the role of the maternal diet in allergic disease of the breastfeeding infant.
- Explain the role of DHA in the maternal diet, and current recommendations on DHA intake.
- Identify how vitamin supplementation influences vitamin levels in breastmilk.
- Describe how calcium supplementation for breastfeeding women influences maternal bone density.
- Discuss the role of maternal Vit D supplementation and breastmilk vitamin D level.
- Explain the role of choline in infant development and dietary sources of choline.
- Explain why breastmilk may have an off odder.
- Understand the effect of maternal pro
Continuing Education:
- IBCLCs: 1 L-CERP: Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology
- RNs: 1 Contact Hour
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

Title: Hypoglycemia: How Sweet it is!
Speaker: Nancy E. Wight MD, IBCLC, FABM, FAAP
Recorded on: August 22, 2020
Webinar Objectives:
- Recognize the normal pattern of blood glucose in term, well newborns
- Discuss the various definitions of “hypoglycemia”
- List at least 3 indications for appropriate glucose screening
- Describe breastfeeding-supportive approaches for the treatment of hypoglycemia
- Recognize the possible role of dextrose gel in the treatment of asymptomatic hypoglycemia
- Access evidence-based protocols to develop an appropriate care plan for your own institution
Continuing Education:
- RNs: 1 Contact Hour
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

Double Whammy: Exclusive Pumping & Pumping Equipment!
- Kristina Chamberlain CNM, ARNP, IBCLC
- Rose deVigne-Jackiewicz RN, MPH, IBCLC
Recorded on: August 21, 2021
Webinar Objectives:
Kristina Chamberlain, CNM, ARNP, IBCLC
- Name at least 2 reasons a parent might choose to exclusively pump their milk.
- Understand the unique challenges an exclusive
pumping parent might face. - Create a plan of care with at least 2
recommendations to increase milk production for the exclusively pumping client.
Rose deVigne-Jackiewicz, RN, MPH, IBCLC
- Describe the various types of breast pumps
available. - List the indications for the use of the various breast pumps.
- Describe the effectiveness of the different models
Continuing Education:
- IBCLCs: 1.5 L-CERP: Clinical Skills
- RNs: 1 Contact Hours
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

Title: The Science Supporting Exclusive Breastfeeding: The Microbiome and Epigenetics
Speaker: Jenny Thomas MD, MPH, IBCLC, FABM, FAAP
Recorded on: July 24, 2021
Webinar Objectives:
- List determinants of the gut microbiome in the newborn infant
- Describe the interaction between DNA, RNA, and epigenetic modifiers
- Describe how human milk supports the microbiome and contributes to epigenetic modification
Continuing Education:
- IBCLCs: 1 L-CERP: Development and Nutrition
- RNs: 1 Contact Hour
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

Title: Drugs in Milk; Kinetics, Counseling, and Correct Compendia Recorded Webinar
Speaker: Jason Sauberan, PharmD
Recorded on: June 26, 2021
Webinar Description:
Are you wondering what drugs may end up in your breastmilk? Do your lactation clients have drug interaction questions? Then, come join us for an engaging and informative webinar with renowned neonatal-perinatal clinical pharmacist & researcher, Jason Sauberan, PharmD
Continuing Education:
- Topic: Pharmacology and Toxicology
- RNs: 1 Contact Hour
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

Title: COVID19 Perinatal Breastfeeding Update
Speaker: Lori Feldman-Winter, MD, MPH
Recorded on: August 15, 2020
Webinar Description:
The novel coronavirus, SARS CoV-2, has disrupted every aspect of life, including pregnancy and delivery care of the mother-infant dyad.
Years of research have documented the scientific basis for how breastfeeding protects both the newborn and mother from disease. Policies and practices instituted to decrease the spread of COVID-19 must be weighted against the known benefits of maternity care practices that support breastfeeding.
To fully appreciate the risks of transmission in the context of breastfeeding during the pandemic, it is important to understand the biology and epidemiology of this disease. Given that this is a novel infection, there is a rapidly changing understanding of the risks and benefits of direct breastfeeding and related maternity care practices.
Nevertheless, as this evidence is mounting, it appears that direct and exclusive breastfeeding is the preferred method of feeding.
Webinar Objectives:
- Describe the biology and epidemiology of COVID-19 among pregnant women and their newborns
- Identify a range or recommendations for COVID Positive or PUI mothers
- Delineate how differential breastfeeding care during the COVID-129 pandemic exaggerates racial inequities
- Develop a strategy of shared-decision making
Continuing Education:
- RNs: 1 Contact Hour
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

Title: Breastfeeding: What is a Father to Do? Recorded Webinar
Speaker: Tim Johnson, CLE, DAD
Recorded on: March 27, 2021
Webinar Objectives:
- Discuss the influence of paternal/partner attitudes on the mother’s decision to breastfeed.
- Evaluate and respond to at least 2 of the most common concerns about breastfeeding that fathers/partners may have heard.
- Identify at least 3 ways fathers/partners can protect and support the mother while breastfeeding.
Continuing Education:
- IBCLCs: 1.5 L-CERPs
- Topic: Clinical Skills / Psychology, Sociology, & Anthropology
- Area:
- Topic: Clinical Skills / Psychology, Sociology, & Anthropology
- RNs: 2 Contact Hours
- RD & OT: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.
23 L-CERPs, 2 E-CERPs, 1 R-CERP, & 27 CEU Contact Hours
Post-Purchase Instructions & Passwords
After a webinar recording is purchased the buyer will receive an email from noreply@lecturepanda.com.
Locate the email and click on the link "Complete Credits Requirement" button to view the webinar and handouts, complete the evaluation, and receive your certificate.
The password to each recording can be found next to the title of each webinar. Please see the picture for reference.

Need Support? Have Questions?
Contact our Coordinator Christina Lares at christina.lares@breastfeeding.org for custom pricing, group packages, and more.