Research Corner
Study finds no evidence for the effect of consuming “lactation cookies”
A recent study found no evidence for the effect of consuming “lactation cookies” on milk production, perceived insufficient milk, or breastfeeding self-efficacy in exclusively breastfeeding parents with an overall adequate perceived milk supply. Recommendations to consume LCs for increasing objective or subjective milk supply may deliver false hope and unnecessary financial costs at a vulnerable…
Read MorePromote Non-Nutritive Breast Feeding
WEE NUZZLE: A Quality Initiative to Promote Non-Nutritive Breast Feeding in Order to Increase Breastmilk at Discharge for Preterm Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Background: Non-nutritive breast feeding (NNBF) is breast/chest feeding on a breast after it has been pumped. Reduced opportunities for infants to practice direct latching may discourage parents, impact breastmilk…
Read MoreNew Lactation Research Studies posted in LACTNet-24 Mar 2022 to 26 Mar 2022
Association of Breastfeeding Duration with 12-Month Postpartum Blood Lipids in a Predominately Lower-Income Hispanic Pregnancy Cohort in Los Angeles. In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022 Mar 4;19(5):3008. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19053008. Authors: Zhongzheng Niu, Christine H Naya, Lorena Reynaga, Claudia M Toledo-Corral, Mark Johnson, Tingyu Yang, Brendan Grubbs, Nathana Lurvey, Deborah Lerner, Genevieve…
Read MoreCalifornia’s Maternal and Infant Health Assessment
The California Department of Public Health has released updated snapshots based on its Maternal and Infant Health Assessment (MIHA) data. Each year since 1999, the Maternal and Infant Health Assessment, or MIHA, survey has been sent to a small number of women across California who recently had a live birth. MIHA includes questions about a…
Read MoreNew California Hospital Report on Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care
The CDC recently released results of a national survey of Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care. The survey measured care practices and policies that impact newborn feeding, feeding education, staff skills, and discharge support. We highlighted some key findings from the California Hospitals report. There is some good news with lots of room for…
Read MorePooling Expressed Milk
A recent article in “Motherly” touted a new, unannounced change in breastmilk storage guidelines for the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). (You can find the AAP information under Frequently Asked Questions under, What are the milk storage guidelines? Evidence suggests mothers can mix warm milk and cold.) Those links direct you to a research study…
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