SDCBC Breastfeeding Blog

with Guest Blogger To-wen Tseng

News and views on breastfeeding, human milk, and all things lactation education-December 2022

By San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition | December 14, 2022

Top May 2022 Headlines: Infant Formula Shortage Resources, Protections for Working Mothers, New Trainings, and more.

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How San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition Made a Difference This Year

By To-wen Tseng | December 14, 2022
Woman breastfeeding her infant with a christmas tree and holiday decor in the foreground

This is the time of the year when my inbox is filled with fundraising emails—from MSF, WWF to my local Y and San Diego County breastfeeding coalition, everyone is asking for support. No, I’m not complaining. I’m grateful to read about all the great work being done around the world and across the country. In fact, I feel too many non-profit…

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News and views on breastfeeding, human milk, and all things lactation education-November 2022

By San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition | November 14, 2022

Top May 2022 Headlines: Infant Formula Shortage Resources, Protections for Working Mothers, New Trainings, and more.

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Practicing Your Rights of Breastfeeding At Work

By To-wen Tseng | November 14, 2022

Earlier this month I received a letter from a nursing mom through my Chinese-language breastfeeding page. Here was the scenario: The baby was now nine and a half months old. The mother got to pump milk every four hours, twice a day at work. The mom has added solid foods to the baby’s diet, but breastfeeding…

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News and views on breastfeeding, human milk, and all things lactation education-October 2022

By San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition | October 14, 2022

Top May 2022 Headlines: Infant Formula Shortage Resources, Protections for Working Mothers, New Trainings, and more.

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Breastfeeding Actually Saved Me Lots of Work

By To-wen Tseng | October 14, 2022

Between my two kids, I breastfed for a total of six years. I exclusively breastfed for the first six months of each of them, and we extended the breastfeeding relationship to 2.5 years with my older one and 3.5 years with my younger one. I was often asked, “Isn’t that a lot of work?” True, breastfeeding…

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San Diego Coalition Honors Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer as 2022 Breastfeeding Champion

By San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition | October 12, 2022

For Immediate Release – October 11, 2022 SAN DIEGO, CA Contact:  Angeles Nelson, Board President                                                                        …

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News and views on breastfeeding, human milk, and all things lactation education-September 2022

By San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition | September 14, 2022

Top May 2022 Headlines: Infant Formula Shortage Resources, Protections for Working Mothers, New Trainings, and more.

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News and views on breastfeeding, human milk, and all things lactation education-August 2022

By San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition | August 15, 2022

Top May 2022 Headlines: Infant Formula Shortage Resources, Protections for Working Mothers, New Trainings, and more.

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Breastfeeding is a One-Of-A-Kind Experience

By To-wen Tseng | August 14, 2022

This National Breastfeeding Month, I invited the followers of my Facebook Breastfeeding Page to show their breastfeeding experience with five emojis. The results were truly fascinating and really reflect how unique each mother’s breastfeeding journey can be. Here are some most impressive responses:  From a mom who did not attend prenatal breastfeeding class, “I couldn’t believe that…

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To-wen Tseng

To-wen is a Chinese American journalist, author, and breastfeeding activist. For years To-wen has advocated for family-friendly policy and gender equity at the workplace, blogging about breastfeeding as a human right, and speaking out about breastfeeding barriers in Asian-American communities and beyond. She co-founded the Asian American Breastfeeding Taskforce in 2017.

To-wen received the 2018 HealthConnect One Foundation's Birth Equity Leader Academy Community Project Award, and in 2019, she was recognized by US Breastfeeding Committee as the Emerging Leader of the year. This year, an Asian breastfeeding photovoice project she led won 2020 California Breastfeeding Coalition's Golden Nugget Award for "excellence in reducing a key barrier to breastfeeding the social norm."