SDCBC Breastfeeding Blog
with Guest Blogger To-wen Tseng
In partnership with UCSD Extension’s Global Lactation Alliance Program, SDCBC offers scholarships for community leaders who are pursuing LEC or IBCLC education in order to increase lactation support in underserved communities. Each year the Coalition will announce several scholarship opportunities and select individuals vividly exhibiting a passion to serve San Diego families. Meet Leslie McFarlane Like…
Read MoreTop May 2022 Headlines: Infant Formula Shortage Resources, Protections for Working Mothers, New Trainings, and more.
Read MoreWEE NUZZLE: A Quality Initiative to Promote Non-Nutritive Breast Feeding in Order to Increase Breastmilk at Discharge for Preterm Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Background: Non-nutritive breast feeding (NNBF) is breast/chest feeding on a breast after it has been pumped. Reduced opportunities for infants to practice direct latching may discourage parents, impact breastmilk…
Read MoreFathers have an important role to make chest/breastfeeding work. Breastfeeding: What is a Father to Do? Recorded Webinar from 5/22/2021 Objectives At the conclusion of the presentation the participant will be able to:1. Discuss the influence of paternal/partner attitudes on the mother’s decision to breastfeed.2. Evaluate and respond to at least 2 of the most common…
Read MoreTop May 2022 Headlines: Infant Formula Shortage Resources, Protections for Working Mothers, New Trainings, and more.
Read MoreWhat is World Food Safety Day? June 7th is the second World Food Safety Day. It is a WHO initiative that aims to draw attention to the need to prevent food-borne risks, and contribute to food security, human health, economic prosperity, and sustainable development among other food-related concerns. Unfortunately, on this World Food Safety Day,…
Read MoreTop May 2022 Headlines: Infant Formula Shortage Resources, Protections for Working Mothers, New Trainings, and more.
Read MoreMay is my favorite month. It’s warm, but not too warm. The Lilacs and lilies of the valley bloom. Both Mother’s Day and Chinese Breastfeeding Awareness Day (which is May 20th) are in this month. It’s also AAPI Heritage month. This May, I was lucky enough to tell my breastfeeding story with a video produced by StoryCenter in collaboration…
Read MoreNews and views on breastfeeding, human milk, and all things lactation education April 2022 News Continuity of Care in Breastfeeding Support Blueprint Webinar Series Applications Open: NACCHO’s Subject Matter Expert Advisory Workgroups ROSE Breastfeeding Summit Georgia Lactation Consultants Victorious Over Unconstitutional Licensing Law AAP National Conference Now Accepting Breastfeeding Abstracts! Breastfeeding Advocates Recognize Georgia Pediatricians…
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To-wen Tseng
To-wen is a Chinese American journalist, author, and breastfeeding activist. For years To-wen has advocated for family-friendly policy and gender equity at the workplace, blogging about breastfeeding as a human right, and speaking out about breastfeeding barriers in Asian-American communities and beyond. She co-founded the Asian American Breastfeeding Taskforce in 2017.
To-wen received the 2018 HealthConnect One Foundation's Birth Equity Leader Academy Community Project Award, and in 2019, she was recognized by US Breastfeeding Committee as the Emerging Leader of the year. This year, an Asian breastfeeding photovoice project she led won 2020 California Breastfeeding Coalition's Golden Nugget Award for "excellence in reducing a key barrier to breastfeeding the social norm."