The PUMP Act is Now Signed Into Law. What Changes Is It Gonna Make?

Unless you live in a cave, I’m sure you’ve heard that the Senate passed the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers (PUMP) act, a milestone protection for new mothers in the last few days of 2022. You’ve also probably heard that it’s a major milestone for women’s workplace civil rights. But what does it really…

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Dads, Not Just Moms, Need To Start Shouting For Paid Family Leave

father kissing his son while overlooking an infant in the stroller

In a 2019 piece for Family Values at Work, my husband shared his thoughts about the need for paid family leave for men. Since then, we’ve seen some changes—the Biden administration’s social spending bill, which includes a provision for four weeks of paid family and medical leave—not exactly robust but better than nothing—passed the house narrowly last November.…

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A Look Back at SDCBC’s Activism in 2021

Woman breastfeeding her infant with a christmas tree and holiday decor in the foreground

What a year! In the face of a pandemic, San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition continues to protect, promote and support breastfeeding through education, outreach, advocacy, and service in our community. Here is a look back at what the coalition has done in 2021. Continue to put together our signature Breastfeeding Resource Guide for families in both English and…

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National Breastfeeding Month 2021: Every Step of the Way

“If I could talk to myself eight years agoSeeing what I’ve seen, knowing what I knowI would tell that new motherThere’ll be days aheadWhen breastfeeding doesn’t seem to workI would tell her she can trust herselfCause now I gotta picture of landscape of infant feedingI can see with perfect clarityIt wasn’t impossibleIt was what we…

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