Practicing Your Rights of Breastfeeding At Work

Earlier this month I received a letter from a nursing mom through my Chinese-language breastfeeding page. Here was the scenario: The baby was now nine and a half months old. The mother got to pump milk every four hours, twice a day at work. The mom has added solid foods to the baby’s diet, but breastfeeding…

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Breastfeeding is a One-Of-A-Kind Experience

This National Breastfeeding Month, I invited the followers of my Facebook Breastfeeding Page to show their breastfeeding experience with five emojis. The results were truly fascinating and really reflect how unique each mother’s breastfeeding journey can be. Here are some most impressive responses:  From a mom who did not attend prenatal breastfeeding class, “I couldn’t believe that…

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Congratulations to our Summer 2022 Lactation Scholarship Awardees

In partnership with UCSD Extension’s Global Lactation Alliance Program, SDCBC offers scholarships for community leaders who are pursuing LEC or IBCLC education in order to increase lactation support in underserved communities. Each year the Coalition will announce several scholarship opportunities and select individuals vividly exhibiting a passion to serve San Diego families. Meet Leslie McFarlane Like…

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Promote Non-Nutritive Breast Feeding

WEE NUZZLE: A Quality Initiative to Promote Non-Nutritive Breast Feeding in Order to Increase Breastmilk at Discharge for Preterm Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Background: Non-nutritive breast feeding (NNBF) is breast/chest feeding on a breast after it has been pumped. Reduced opportunities for infants to practice direct latching may discourage parents, impact breastmilk…

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