June 2023 News and views on breastfeeding, human milk, and public health
News and views on breastfeeding, human milk, and all things lactation related
June 2023
Happy Pride Month
- Tips for Supporting LGBTQIA+ Families, by the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers
- Lactation Options & Strategies for LGBTQIA+ Persons, by Healthy Mom & Baby
- Support for Transgender & Non-Binary Parents, by La Leche League International
- LGBTQIA+ Resources and PRIDE Month, by the Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition, INC.
- Tips for Transgender Breastfeeders and Their Lactation Educators, by the Milk Junkies
- Help Us Spread the Word!!
- SDCBC is partnering with Global Communities Healthy Start program to expand our free breastfeeding support warmline to multiple languages. We are currently serving clients in English, Spanish, and Tagalog, with more languages being added in the future!
- 1-800-371-6455 (MILK)

New Breastfeeding Support Group Map
Finding a FREE breastfeeding support group in your area just got easier. We are excited to launch this interactive map highlighting free groups in San Diego County.
Have a free group you would like added to the map? Please email the details to SDCBC Coordinator, Christina at christina.lares@breastfeeding.org
Spread the word! The National Maternal Mental Health Hotline number has been changed. It is now:
2023 National Breastfeeding Month Proclamation Toolkit
- USBC released the 2023 version of the National Breastfeeding Month Proclamation Toolkit to help organizations submit requests for their governor to proclaim August as Breastfeeding Month in their state or territory. The toolkit includes a spreadsheet with links and information on submitting a proclamation request in each state as well as a long and abbreviated sample template for proclamation submission.
3rd Annual Breast Milk Drive & Health Fair:
- All donors must register in advance. For more information email ucmilkbank@health.ucsd.edu or call 858-249-6455

- Every Step of the Way Through the 1,000 Days” Webinar Series – FINAL WEBINAR
Demystifying Infant Feeding Data to Strengthen Continuity of Care (CoC)
June 28, 2023 from 1:00 – 2:30 pm ET Register HERE - HHS Announces Over $65 Million to Address the Maternal Health Crisis and Invest in New Approaches to Care
- Senators Urge USDA to Evaluate Opportunities to Strengthen Breastfeeding Support in WIC
- HHS and Baby2Baby Announce Partnership to Support New Mothers with a Newborn Supply Kit During Visit by Vice President Kamala Harris
- The American Academy of Pediatrics published a policy statement: “Standards for Levels of Neonatal Care: II, III, and IV.
- Request for Information: Prioritization of Drug, Vaccine, and Dietary Supplement Research Needs for Pregnant, Postpartum, and Lactating Persons
- Breastfeeding Increased by 2 Weeks When Mothers Stayed Home
- How Dermatologists Can Support Breastfeeding Mothers: And Why They Should
- The Pent-Up Demand for Breastfeeding Among US Women: Trends After COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place
- Co-Parenting Impact on Breastfeeding: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Breastfeeding, Complementary Food, and the Risk of Stunting
- Comparison and Efficacy of Breast Pump Cleaning Techniques for Bioburden Reduction
- Results Available from CDC’s 2022 Survey
of Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care - Community-based approaches to infant safe sleep and breastfeeding promotion: a qualitative study
- High-Temperature Pasteurization Used at Donor Breast Milk Banks Reduces Melatonin Levels in Breast Milk
- The Protective Effect of Breastfeeding on Dental Fluorosis Among Children in Rural Fluoride-Endemic Areas
- Breastfeeding Decision-Making Among Mothers with Opioid Use Disorder: A Qualitative Study
- Skin-to-skin contact after birth: Developing a research and practice guideline
- Impact of early formula supplementation on breastfeeding duration, National Immunization Survey, 2019 births
- Exploring the Breastfeeding Desires and Decision-Making of Women Living with HIV in the Netherlands: Implications for Perinatal HIV Management in Developed Countries
- “I Pumped That Milk Off My Breast and Dumped It in Trash”: Breastfeeding Experiences of Mothers Working in Hospital Radiation Settings—A Qualitative Study
- Toddler milk: a scoping review of research on consumption, perceptions, and marketing practices
- Breastfeeding and Bonding: A Surprising Role of Breastfeeding Difficulties
- The Effect of Prepregnancy Obesity on Breast Milk Fatty Acids and the Relationship of Breast Milk Fatty Acids with Maternal Diet and Infant Growth
- Mixed Feedings and Necrotizing Enterocolitis: The Proportion of Human Milk Matters
- Transfer of Mexiletine into Breast Milk: A Case Report
Perspectives & Resources
- International Childbirth Education Association (ICEA) releases position paper on Delayed Bathing
- What Parents Should Know About Returning to Work While Breastfeeding
- Infant Nutrition and Feeding: A Guide for Use in the Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
- Innovation in Perinatal and Child Health in Medicaid: Investing in the Prenatal-to-Three Framework to Support Communities and Advance Equity.
- Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies Digital Social Media Toolkit
- Capitalism Versus Compassion: Can Healthcare Do Both?
- Webinar on Michigan Prison Doula Initiative & Lactation Support
- Early Efforts: Place Matters – How the Environment We Create Shapes the Foundations of Early Development
- Updated FASD Primer for Healthcare Professionals Course
- Prenatal vitamins Grant Application for WICs, FQHCs, and health departments across the country to target women of reproductive age who experience barriers to accessing prenatal multivitamins
- Administrative Supplements to Leverage Network Infrastructure to Advance Multisite Research for Women, Children, Pregnant and Lactating Individuals and/or Persons with Disabilities
- Rural Maternity and Obstetrics Management Strategies Program
- Healthy Start Initiative – Enhanced
- Healthy Families Community-Based Perinatal Health Initiative
- PHA is excited to announce we are now accepting scholarship applications for the PSI Clinician Training Certificate programs! As part of our efforts to improve equity and diversity among clinicians who provide care for Perinatal Mood Disorders, we are offering scholarships for the Certificate Trainings offered by PSI. There are both online and in person options for the various classes so please be sure to use the link below to find more information regarding the options.
https://www.postpartum.net/professionals/certificate-trainings - Community Level Interventions to Improve Minority Health and Reduce Health Disparities. Application deadline: August 9
- Global Communities is seeking part-time, on call Lactation Educators to join the US Programs team in the San Diego, CA Office. This work focuses on communities and language groups that experience barriers to lactation support. Please share and direct all interested candidates to the Global Communities Careers website here