The Motherhood Transition: Addressing The Shift & Its Impact On Family Wellness
Oct 23, 2021 10:00AM—11:00AM
Live Webinar Via LecturePanda/Zoom
Cost Early Bird: $15 General: $25
Event Contact Jose Gonzalez, Education Coordinator | Email
Categories events
with Nakeya T. Fields, LCSW, PPSE, Regd. Play Therapist-Supervisor & Trauma-Informed Yoga Therapist
The San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition invites you to join us on Saturday, October 23rd from 10 AM to 11 AM PDT for a live webinar exploring diverse perspectives of how transitioning into motherhood may impact families.
We are so grateful to have best selling author, mental health expert, and community advocate Nakeya T. Fields, LCSW, PPSE, Registered Play Therapist – Supervisor & Trauma Informed Yoga Therapist to share her insights and expertise on perinatal mental health disorders including how to identify symptoms and create strategies to plan for health, resilience, and coping.