Reducing SUID Risk Among High-Risk Infants at Local, State, and National Levels
Oct 26, 2023 9:00AM—11:00AM
Live Zoom Webinar
Cost Early Bird Members $18, Early Bird General $25
Event Contact Jose Gonzalez | Email
Categories events
Topics breastfeeding

October 26th | 9AM – 11 AM PDT
Preterm infants are at much higher risk for sleep-associated death than full term infants. Yet, they are much less likely to be placed in safe sleep positions or environments. This presentation will describe several interventions that seek to improve safe sleep practices among preterm infants.
1. Describe the epidemiology of SUID and safe sleep practices for the general US infant population and for preterm infants.
2. Describe clinical research, quality improvement, and implementation science approaches to improving safe infant sleep practices.
3. Describe the critical role of families in NICU safe infant sleep quality improvement efforts.
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