Resources for Health Professionals
The San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition would like to thank all the amazing health care providers who continue to support breastfeeding mothers and babies throughout San Diego County during this health crisis.

Updates from community members on the ground are critical to understanding how this pandemic is impacting the breastfeeding and infant feeding landscape. If you have any additional resources to share with the SD County community, please email and we will upload to this page.
For family and community resources during COVID-19 please visit our Community Resources page.
New FAQs address healthcare workers questions on breastfeeding and COVID-19
To address their questions, WHO has released a list of Frequently asked questions: Breastfeeding and COVID-19. The FAQ complements the WHO interim guidance: Clinical management of severe acute respiratory infection when COVID-19 is suspected and draws upon other WHO recommendations on infant and young child feeding.
- Q&A on COVID-19 and breastfeeding
WHO’s Q&A on breastfeeding and COVID-19 also provides additional infection prevention advice to mothers with confirmed or suspected COVID-19.
- International Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation
- For the latest clinical and public health guidance, as well as the latest peer-reviewed evidence:
- COVID-19 Patient Care Protocols & Clinical Guidance Protocols available through University of Washington Medicine
- CDC Considerations for Inpatient Obstetric Healthcare Settings
- United States Breastfeeding Committee (USBC)
- Updates on COVID-19 from AAP
- Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute (CGBI) COVID-19 Resources
- Lactation and Infant Feeding in Emergencies (L.I.F.E.) Support Toolkit contains COVID-19 updates and compilations of major health organization resources.
- A must watch for Maternal and Child Health professions is the recording of the ENRICH Carolinas with Dr. Aunchalee Palmquist: COVID-19 Lactation and Infant Feeding in Emergencies (L.I.F.E.) Support. DrStuebe also discusses the State-of-the-Art Review on Managing Exclusive Breastfeeding in the First Week of life.
- California Breastfeeding Coalition
- Webinar Recording: Infant Feeding in the Era of COVID-19
- Webinar Recording:COVID-19: Infant Feeding During the Postpartum Period, is available online and will be removed in the next few days.
- Additional Resources on Research and Advocacy for COVID-19 on the California Breastfeeding Coalition
- Should You Breastfeed if You Have the Coronavirus? By The New York Times
- Mother-Baby Separation for COVID-19 Not Evidence-Based, Experts Say by Medscape
- CDC’s Recommendation To Separate COVID-19 Positive Mothers From Their Infants Is Baseless … by International Business Times
Additional Resources
- Coping with COVID-19: Self-Compassion Webinar Series
- Resources for Lactation Supporters Providing Infant and Young Child Feeding Advice During COVID-19
- HHS Emergency Situations: Preparedness, Planning and Response
- Virtual Consult Best Practices for Lactation Consults
- COVID-19 Resources from WIC
- CPQCC Resources for Maternal and Infant Health
- Fact Sheet on COVID-19 Addresses NICU Concerns COVID-19-handout-for-NICU-families-1
- PRIORITY: Pregnancy Coronavirus Outcomes Registry (UCSF)
National registry of pregnant women with COVID-19 - National Perinatal COVID-19 (NPC-19) Registry (AAP Section on Neonatal Perinatal Medicine)
National registry of mothers with COVID-19 and their infants - Neonatal COVID-19 Impact Audit (Vermont Oxford Network)
Data tool to help newborn care teams understand the impact of COVID-19 in their units
If you have any additional free resources to share please email