Breastfeeding-Friendly San Diego (BFSD) is a recognition program for childcare providers who support and promote breastfeeding-friendly practices. BFSD provides free training, materials, and resources to family childcare homes, childcare centers, and organizations that engage childcare providers.
Supporting Breastfeeding Families
Many new parents return to work or school within the first three months of their child’s life and choose to stop breastfeeding due to concerns about placing their infant in childcare and pumping at work. Increasing the number of breastfeeding-friendly childcare sites in San Diego County breaks down barriers to continued breastfeeding, which means healthier babies, healthier parents, and healthier future generations.
Initially funded by First 5 San Diego and coordinated by UCSD Center for Community Health, BFSD worked to train and recognize licensed family childcare homes and childcare centers to support and promote breastfeeding-friendly practices in their sites. The San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition continues to support providers and share resources with families looking for breastfeeding-friendly child care.
Whether you are a parent or a child care provider, there are resources to help you:
• Free online training
• Resources for families and employees
• Technical assistance to create a breastfeeding-friendly environment
• Recognition for childcare providers who are implementing best practices
2019 Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care Awards

Child Care Center in a Non-Profit Setting
Father Joe's Village, Therapeutic Childcare
Father Joe’s Village serves a unique population with a variety of needs and we were impressed to see their initiative to seek out training and resources from BFSD to enhance their services to their families. The lactation accommodation policies for both staff and clients and their practices demonstrate the importance of breastfeeding is a priority in their organization. Their work with the Bright Spaces also created a beautiful lactation room for employees and families to utilize that is now used as an exemplary model for others who seek to create a supportive lactation space.

Child Care Center in an Educational Setting
EUHSD Teen Parent Program’s (Cal-SAFE) Early Childhood Education Center
EUHSD inspired other Teen Parent programs in North County to seek the BFSD Child Care designation and support a culture of breastfeeding for both students and employees. They constructed two infant nutrition rooms that provide inclusive support for all moms in their feeding choices and are beautifully designed for both breastfeeding and pumping moms. The systems coordination allows a student to be called out of class to feed her baby or for her to pump her milk during breaks with the goal of getting mom back in class to achieve her academic goals.